Happy New Year!
I’m so glad you came to visit!
We all know that hindsight is 2020 but how glad are we that 2020 is now hindsight?! It was lonely year but with that loneliness came a journey of self-reflection. I spent time reflecting on a few things that really matter:
People matter. In 2020, we were going through something collectively, But any day, of any year, we are all going through something individually. More than ever, I realized that we should be more patient with each other, more forgiving, more careful with each other’s feelings, and we should check in on each other. Any day, of any year, any one of us could be not okay.
Time matters. In 2020, what time it was barely mattered most days, but how I spent my time mattered a lot. Yes, there were days that time dragged on and I wished it would just hurry up and be over. But there were also days that I felt like a kid on summer vacation with nothing but wide-open time ahead of me to do anything I wanted. And it became extremely clear to me that I never again want to feel that my precious time, and how I spend it, is entirely out of my control.
Space matters. 2020 gave me cabin fever! I felt like a Roomba moving aimlessly around my apartment, bumping into walls. So, I started paying a lot more attention to my space because home wasn’t just a place I crashed at night after a busy day at work - my space was my everything. I cleaned out closets, cleared away clutter, rearranged furniture, and redecorated. I made my space clean and functional. But more importantly, I made it extra cozy and comfortable. It’s made self-isolation just a little more bearable Our living space really impacts our emotional well-being; so we should invest a bit of energy into making it our favorite space.
Dreams matter. Before 2020, I had a dream… sort of. It was vague, ill-defined, probably due to my constant busyness where, like most of us, I barely had time to eat and sleep much less dream, much less turn those dreams into goals, much less turn those goals into reality. But this time-out from the busyness gave me gift of stillness to dream up this art business. This isn’t all of it! I’m still dreaming it up and solidifying those dreams into goals and reality. But all these thoughts about people, time, and space have made me not want to wait until it’s “finished” or “perfect” to share it with you. So, I’ve decided that it’s okay for my dream to be a work-in-progress and I’m inviting you to come along on this journey with me. You matter. Your time matters. And I want this space to become a safe, happy place for you. What do you say? Dream with me?
Tell me in the comments: What did you reflect on in 2020? What matters to you?